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Soul Sayings

Short & Sweet Words of Wisdom
(click on the image for the full essay caption)

Look through the lense of love versus the lense of lack and watch how quickly your life transforms.

Did you know that the heart is one of the strongest muscles in the human body?
And we're not just talking physically...
It loves, it beats.
It breaks, it beats.
No matter what you experience, the heart continues on and on and on.
So why don't we give it enough credit? Why don't we trust it when it whispers to us, when it's guiding us? We know that the heart will persevere. Why do we fight it so much in the name of the mind, for the sake of our egos?
Listen to the heart, dear ones.
Listen to every heartbeat.
There is an ancient song there that sings:
I survive
and I thrive.
And we're not just talking physically...
It loves, it beats.
It breaks, it beats.
No matter what you experience, the heart continues on and on and on.
So why don't we give it enough credit? Why don't we trust it when it whispers to us, when it's guiding us? We know that the heart will persevere. Why do we fight it so much in the name of the mind, for the sake of our egos?
Listen to the heart, dear ones.
Listen to every heartbeat.
There is an ancient song there that sings:
I survive
and I thrive.

The new version of you is always going to feel uncomfortable in the beginning, especially around people who still cling to the old version of who you once were. This is ego getting acclimated to higher consciousness.
Nurture yourself with lots of self-love and allow yourself to extend that compassion to others. Remember that ascension has a ripple effect on the collective consciousness. It's not just your ego that is adjusting to the higher-self embodiment, but those around you are affected with every shift as well. Stay neutral, balanced, and in an energy of soul-level love.
Nurture yourself with lots of self-love and allow yourself to extend that compassion to others. Remember that ascension has a ripple effect on the collective consciousness. It's not just your ego that is adjusting to the higher-self embodiment, but those around you are affected with every shift as well. Stay neutral, balanced, and in an energy of soul-level love.

Love or fear?
Ask yourself this question with every decision, every action and reaction, on every occasion, and in every given moment.
Ask yourself: love or fear?
Which am I giving my energy to?
The answer might surprise you.
Ask yourself this question with every decision, every action and reaction, on every occasion, and in every given moment.
Ask yourself: love or fear?
Which am I giving my energy to?
The answer might surprise you.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
-Maya Angelou
-Maya Angelou

Forgive yourself.
No one person can forgive you enough to heal what forgiveness for yourself will bring.
Grant yourself that grace.
No one person can forgive you enough to heal what forgiveness for yourself will bring.
Grant yourself that grace.

The more we clear out all of that lower vibrational, dense enregy that we've been holding onto, the more we move into a higher frequency of energy that responds with peace, love, and abundance reflected in our outside world.
Our outside, physical reality is the hologram reflecting our inner universe. There is nothing without us, energetically, that doesn't already exist within us. If we truly want to make change and create a new and better world for ourselves and for our children, it starts with each individual doing the inner work--facing our shadows, our traumas, changing the patterns and the templates. It means really diving deep to see where beliefs were formed and excavating the conditioning to become our true authentic selves.
This is our choice to no longer perpetuate old mindsets, patterns, and beliefs that kept us trapped in the soul sludge.
This is how the light shines brighter. By allowing it to shine bright and embracing that within ourselves. This is how love has a ripple effect on the world.
So keep going. The journey of true awakening and self-discovery isn't easy. But it's worth it. And you're here and doing it. You were made for this.
Our outside, physical reality is the hologram reflecting our inner universe. There is nothing without us, energetically, that doesn't already exist within us. If we truly want to make change and create a new and better world for ourselves and for our children, it starts with each individual doing the inner work--facing our shadows, our traumas, changing the patterns and the templates. It means really diving deep to see where beliefs were formed and excavating the conditioning to become our true authentic selves.
This is our choice to no longer perpetuate old mindsets, patterns, and beliefs that kept us trapped in the soul sludge.
This is how the light shines brighter. By allowing it to shine bright and embracing that within ourselves. This is how love has a ripple effect on the world.
So keep going. The journey of true awakening and self-discovery isn't easy. But it's worth it. And you're here and doing it. You were made for this.

Every single one of us is in control of our thoughts, our behavior, and our own lives--nothing more and nothing less. That is our personal power: We and only we get to decide where our happiness lies.
If there is suffering and you don't feel good within, you'll know it by the reflections around you. Is there conflict and chaos within? Here's some conflict and chaos without, says the Universe. Because it's time for you to understand how powerful you are in your own self-mastery. This is the key. It starts with the self. Not with anyone else and not based on external circumstances, but with you and the beliefs and mindsets you hold.
Think bigger, says the Universe. Don't lock yourself into such a narrow template. Expand to see every perspective. Sometimes others are simply showing us the contrast of who we are versus who we once thought we wanted or needed to be. Sometimes the reflection is pushing us towards our highest potential. Sometimes situations aren't holding us back but are in actuality supporting us--showing us where to grow and evolve and change course so that we can live our best and fullest lives, if we have the courage to start pursuing them.
It's up to us to have that self-awareness and courage to step out of the comfort zone of who we thought we were and the life we once were living to make the change for ourselves--what will bring us to the best and highest versions of ourselves.
Give us the raw, the real, the vulnerable. Give us the truth, the awareness, the self-actualization. Give us the growth, the change, the evolution.
States of mind are simply conscious choices.
Choose expansion.
Rise higher.
If there is suffering and you don't feel good within, you'll know it by the reflections around you. Is there conflict and chaos within? Here's some conflict and chaos without, says the Universe. Because it's time for you to understand how powerful you are in your own self-mastery. This is the key. It starts with the self. Not with anyone else and not based on external circumstances, but with you and the beliefs and mindsets you hold.
Think bigger, says the Universe. Don't lock yourself into such a narrow template. Expand to see every perspective. Sometimes others are simply showing us the contrast of who we are versus who we once thought we wanted or needed to be. Sometimes the reflection is pushing us towards our highest potential. Sometimes situations aren't holding us back but are in actuality supporting us--showing us where to grow and evolve and change course so that we can live our best and fullest lives, if we have the courage to start pursuing them.
It's up to us to have that self-awareness and courage to step out of the comfort zone of who we thought we were and the life we once were living to make the change for ourselves--what will bring us to the best and highest versions of ourselves.
Give us the raw, the real, the vulnerable. Give us the truth, the awareness, the self-actualization. Give us the growth, the change, the evolution.
States of mind are simply conscious choices.
Choose expansion.
Rise higher.

Find a path that sparks even the slightest bit of passion within you and start moving in that direction. There might be detours and roundabouts. There might be shifts and redirections. Sometimes you might even feel turned around.
But you'll have started...
You’ll still be moving forward, closer and closer to discovering where you want to be as you align to your soul truth.
Keep going. Don't stop.
But you'll have started...
You’ll still be moving forward, closer and closer to discovering where you want to be as you align to your soul truth.
Keep going. Don't stop.

I channeled this message as I was talking to a friend who is experiencing some difficult times. If you are facing challenges and adversity, know that you have more strength and courage within you than you could possibly know.
From destruction comes creation. What feels like a crumbling down is moving you towards your path of internal alignment, which will help you shift your external environment. You're beginning to recognize that you have the whole of the universe within you and with that comes the power to create and manifest. You can and will rise up with that strength, with that courage, with that wisdom and become the phoenix to transform your life.
Check out my latest Ascension Relationship Energy Update for more on this powerful energy.
From destruction comes creation. What feels like a crumbling down is moving you towards your path of internal alignment, which will help you shift your external environment. You're beginning to recognize that you have the whole of the universe within you and with that comes the power to create and manifest. You can and will rise up with that strength, with that courage, with that wisdom and become the phoenix to transform your life.
Check out my latest Ascension Relationship Energy Update for more on this powerful energy.

Changing the patterns, beliefs, and mindsets requires patience and self-compassion as it's all a process with many layers. What you're essentially doing is reprogramming the egoic mind which is wired within the subconscious to protect from trauma, heartbreak, pain, etc. But what the mind doesn't understand is that we don't have to repeat the past. The more we know ourselves--the more in-tune we are with ourselves--the more we realize that we have a choice: remain as is or evolve into higher awareness.
What are you choosing?
What are you choosing?

You have the ability to transmute through your awareness of your thoughts and the energy you're holding. The trick is to protect and maintain your energy within that higher vibration so that nothing of a negative nature can influence that. Be mindful.

The soul longs to know itself and find itself in its wholeness as one with the Universe. The process of coming into sacred union within the self (inner union) occurs when you begin to release any templates of separation that keep you from recognizing that you are already one with the Universe and always have been.
While intellectually you may already know this, as you embark on the journey of ascension, you begin to experience the feeling, the anchoring in, and the embodiment of this universal truth.
One stage of this process is acknowledging your desires: “I want to be loved. I want to experience magic.” This is the soul calling out and longing to remember that you are love, that you are divine magic.
When you admit these desires to yourself, it triggers the next level of ascension wherein you begin to consciously release any of the old mindsets, templates, and conditioning that made you believe you were anything less than love and magic in the first place. Put simply, it’s your soul aligning with the truth of itself in oneness versus the illusion of separation consciousness. The more you release these subconscious blocks to the love and unity within yourself, the more you begin to anchor in the feeling of “I AM.” The more you anchor in this feeling of I AM, the more you begin to embody that higher consciousness.
I AM love. I AM magic. I AM divine.
This has a ripple effect on your life experience. As you’re embodying the energy of unconditional love and openly giving that love in your truest, authentic form, that love comes back to you tenfold because you’re an open vessel able to give and receive in equal harmony. This is the lesson the Universe is trying to bring us: be the love, be the magic. Let that flow through you without expectations of how or where it’s received by others or if it will ever be returned. As soon as you release those expectations and you recognize the love and magic within yourself, that floods into your life in every moment, in every instance, in everything.
Love is the Universe wanting to return home to you.
As soon as you fully recognize yourself as love, you recognize your oneness with all of the Universe.
(For those in sacred partnerships, as you begin to embody unconditional love for yourself and in oneness with the universe around you, the more you experience that within your union with another.)
While intellectually you may already know this, as you embark on the journey of ascension, you begin to experience the feeling, the anchoring in, and the embodiment of this universal truth.
One stage of this process is acknowledging your desires: “I want to be loved. I want to experience magic.” This is the soul calling out and longing to remember that you are love, that you are divine magic.
When you admit these desires to yourself, it triggers the next level of ascension wherein you begin to consciously release any of the old mindsets, templates, and conditioning that made you believe you were anything less than love and magic in the first place. Put simply, it’s your soul aligning with the truth of itself in oneness versus the illusion of separation consciousness. The more you release these subconscious blocks to the love and unity within yourself, the more you begin to anchor in the feeling of “I AM.” The more you anchor in this feeling of I AM, the more you begin to embody that higher consciousness.
I AM love. I AM magic. I AM divine.
This has a ripple effect on your life experience. As you’re embodying the energy of unconditional love and openly giving that love in your truest, authentic form, that love comes back to you tenfold because you’re an open vessel able to give and receive in equal harmony. This is the lesson the Universe is trying to bring us: be the love, be the magic. Let that flow through you without expectations of how or where it’s received by others or if it will ever be returned. As soon as you release those expectations and you recognize the love and magic within yourself, that floods into your life in every moment, in every instance, in everything.
Love is the Universe wanting to return home to you.
As soon as you fully recognize yourself as love, you recognize your oneness with all of the Universe.
(For those in sacred partnerships, as you begin to embody unconditional love for yourself and in oneness with the universe around you, the more you experience that within your union with another.)

When I was at my sickest, I found everything I could to hold on. One night it was my Riley. Some days it was a book I wanted to finish writing, a legacy I wanted to make sure I left behind. Most days, it was remembering the people I love.
But sometimes the darkness screams louder than the light, the shadows encroaching on every corner of the heart and mind so that’s all there is—all you see and all you feel.
Through my own individual work over the years, I’ve learned how to heal the mind. It hasn’t been easy to silence the gremlins. It hasn’t been easy shining light on the darkness when that light feels like only a flicker.
But one spark can start a blaze.
You are more in control of your mind and your thoughts than you know. Yes, we have brain chemistry. But our brains include something called neuroplasticity. If our negative experiences can reshape the brain to create a feedback loop of pain and trauma, what happens when we focus on positive elements like gratitude, affirmations, joy? What if we shift our perspectives around the stories we tell ourselves to view it from all angles versus the reactive pain center of the moment? What if we expanded our minds to consider that every truth could be valid?
What if we started writing a new story instead of rewinding and watching the old?
You have that power.
I recently channeled a message to a client that stuck with me. Instead of feeding ourselves a thousand what-ifs and negative stories of potential rejection, abandonment, and neglect which are root causes of trauma and heartbreak, what if we began imagining stories of potential love, joy, and happiness? If perspective has the ability to change how we view a situation, which can change how we feel about a situation, why do we continue down the trajectory of negative potentials when we can consciously be choosing positive ones.
AND. If our minds have the ability to create our reality, which has been scientifically proven, then why are we focusing on less-than-desirable potentials and perspectives when it takes just as much energy and effort to focus on the positive?
This isn’t about bypassing. We’ve experienced traumatic situations. We’re going to face challenges and obstacles. It’s important to acknowledge those emotions and allow ourselves to feel and process them. But we cannot hold onto the stories our mind likes to create around them. Perspective matters. Awareness of your thoughts matter. And what you choose to do with that awareness—the patterns that you repeat or change—matters most.
Every single day is a new day, a new chance.
We're currently jumping timelines, in between potentials. This is why things may feel calm one moment and chaotic the next. Once you choose ("do I want a timeline of continued suffering and struggle or one of joy and peace?"), you anchor that in and begin to ground it into your reality.
What are you choosing?
Watch the new Sacred Union Energy Update ("Journey's End") for more on this energy.
But sometimes the darkness screams louder than the light, the shadows encroaching on every corner of the heart and mind so that’s all there is—all you see and all you feel.
Through my own individual work over the years, I’ve learned how to heal the mind. It hasn’t been easy to silence the gremlins. It hasn’t been easy shining light on the darkness when that light feels like only a flicker.
But one spark can start a blaze.
You are more in control of your mind and your thoughts than you know. Yes, we have brain chemistry. But our brains include something called neuroplasticity. If our negative experiences can reshape the brain to create a feedback loop of pain and trauma, what happens when we focus on positive elements like gratitude, affirmations, joy? What if we shift our perspectives around the stories we tell ourselves to view it from all angles versus the reactive pain center of the moment? What if we expanded our minds to consider that every truth could be valid?
What if we started writing a new story instead of rewinding and watching the old?
You have that power.
I recently channeled a message to a client that stuck with me. Instead of feeding ourselves a thousand what-ifs and negative stories of potential rejection, abandonment, and neglect which are root causes of trauma and heartbreak, what if we began imagining stories of potential love, joy, and happiness? If perspective has the ability to change how we view a situation, which can change how we feel about a situation, why do we continue down the trajectory of negative potentials when we can consciously be choosing positive ones.
AND. If our minds have the ability to create our reality, which has been scientifically proven, then why are we focusing on less-than-desirable potentials and perspectives when it takes just as much energy and effort to focus on the positive?
This isn’t about bypassing. We’ve experienced traumatic situations. We’re going to face challenges and obstacles. It’s important to acknowledge those emotions and allow ourselves to feel and process them. But we cannot hold onto the stories our mind likes to create around them. Perspective matters. Awareness of your thoughts matter. And what you choose to do with that awareness—the patterns that you repeat or change—matters most.
Every single day is a new day, a new chance.
We're currently jumping timelines, in between potentials. This is why things may feel calm one moment and chaotic the next. Once you choose ("do I want a timeline of continued suffering and struggle or one of joy and peace?"), you anchor that in and begin to ground it into your reality.
What are you choosing?
Watch the new Sacred Union Energy Update ("Journey's End") for more on this energy.

To hold back your heart when you're craving to offer it to another keeps you and your beloved trapped where your hearts want to be free. Your mind exists in an endless loop of self-protection brought on by decades of survival while your infinite heart breathes out, "you are safe here, you are safe here...
You are safe."
To be vulnerable is to trust that the intimacy between you and your sacred partner will grow in tandem, that as you express your truest nature, your partner will be there to meet you with a place to rest your mind that for so long has tried to protect a wearied heart. To love at all is to place that heart at the feet of your beloved and say, "please keep this safe for me."
And your beloved will.
Your beloved will.
You are safe."
To be vulnerable is to trust that the intimacy between you and your sacred partner will grow in tandem, that as you express your truest nature, your partner will be there to meet you with a place to rest your mind that for so long has tried to protect a wearied heart. To love at all is to place that heart at the feet of your beloved and say, "please keep this safe for me."
And your beloved will.
Your beloved will.

You are on a powerful journey of self-discovery and self-mastery. The path isn't always easy and it isn't always clear, but you have the tools, the support, and the wisdom to overcome any perceived limitations, challenges, and obstacles on your way home to yourself.
Keep going and keep shining.
Keep going and keep shining.

This is the darkness before the dawn. We’re facing ourselves, forced to look at our reflections, diving deep into our traumas, our wounds, our pasts in order to clear the way for higher activations of light and love within us—the soul-truth of who we are and who we’ve always been.
Sometimes this pain will bring us to our knees.
So fall to your knees.
Sometimes this pain will make you cry in grief.
So cry and cry some more.
Sometimes this pain will make you question everything and everyone... even yourself.
So seek your answers. Quiet the ego, go within, and listen to the truth of your heart. It knows every answer.
Sometimes this pain will make you feel weak.
So rewrite the story. Remind yourself you’re strong.
Because you are. Because you are. Beautiful one, you have no idea how strong you are to be facing this darkness. This is the hardest journey yet, but you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the strength within you and the knowledge that you can overcome it.
And you are not alone.
Not while I’m still loving you.
And I will always be loving you.
So gather up your courage, light that fire in your gut, and face the darkness with a warrior heart. Because once the sun rises, you will be transformed into something greater than you can even imagine. And that’s where the true journey starts—a journey of love, a journey of creation, and a journey of service.
I am here. I am here. I am always here.
(Originally written and posted Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections June 24, 2019)
Sometimes this pain will bring us to our knees.
So fall to your knees.
Sometimes this pain will make you cry in grief.
So cry and cry some more.
Sometimes this pain will make you question everything and everyone... even yourself.
So seek your answers. Quiet the ego, go within, and listen to the truth of your heart. It knows every answer.
Sometimes this pain will make you feel weak.
So rewrite the story. Remind yourself you’re strong.
Because you are. Because you are. Beautiful one, you have no idea how strong you are to be facing this darkness. This is the hardest journey yet, but you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the strength within you and the knowledge that you can overcome it.
And you are not alone.
Not while I’m still loving you.
And I will always be loving you.
So gather up your courage, light that fire in your gut, and face the darkness with a warrior heart. Because once the sun rises, you will be transformed into something greater than you can even imagine. And that’s where the true journey starts—a journey of love, a journey of creation, and a journey of service.
I am here. I am here. I am always here.
(Originally written and posted Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections June 24, 2019)

This is one of my favorite poems. You can stay in the darkness when your soul is calling for light. That's a choice. But why would you want to? How has that served you?
That is the egoic mind, trying to keep you safe through self-sabotage and fear, saying, "Stay here in the darkness which you know too well, where you think no one can see the real you, where you think no one would want to. Stay here and isolate yourself so no one can hurt you or you can hurt no one."
Oh, but Love. But Love... Love is more powerful than that. Love says, "Step into the light so I may bathe you in the warmth your soul yearns for. Let me wrap my arms around you and hold you close so you can remember that I am you and you are me and together we are each other. Let me show you how understood you are, when darkness keeps you cloaked in the illusion of yourself. Let me show you how love can mend and heal and grow, for it's not love that hurts but the absence of it. It's not love that harms but the fear that resists love..."
We create our own suffering by turning away from that which we are...
That is the egoic mind, trying to keep you safe through self-sabotage and fear, saying, "Stay here in the darkness which you know too well, where you think no one can see the real you, where you think no one would want to. Stay here and isolate yourself so no one can hurt you or you can hurt no one."
Oh, but Love. But Love... Love is more powerful than that. Love says, "Step into the light so I may bathe you in the warmth your soul yearns for. Let me wrap my arms around you and hold you close so you can remember that I am you and you are me and together we are each other. Let me show you how understood you are, when darkness keeps you cloaked in the illusion of yourself. Let me show you how love can mend and heal and grow, for it's not love that hurts but the absence of it. It's not love that harms but the fear that resists love..."
We create our own suffering by turning away from that which we are...

As lightworkers, wayshowers, and earth angels on the ascension journey, we are leading the way for the shifting paradigm of this planet--to remember the divinity and power within and transmute lower vibrational energy into the powerful force of pure love.
We are the alchemists burning away dense 3D energy that binds us to lower thought forms and lifting ourselves higher to become one with all.
We are the sacred rebels shunning patterns, behaviors, and habits formed over centuries and passed down through societal and religious structure that holds back the truth of who we are to sing the sweet song of our authentic soul self.
We are the light and the love and the way.
So move out of the way. We're here to do a job.
We are the alchemists burning away dense 3D energy that binds us to lower thought forms and lifting ourselves higher to become one with all.
We are the sacred rebels shunning patterns, behaviors, and habits formed over centuries and passed down through societal and religious structure that holds back the truth of who we are to sing the sweet song of our authentic soul self.
We are the light and the love and the way.
So move out of the way. We're here to do a job.

This ascension journey teaches us to be free of the human construct that we identify with—all of the negative baggage we’ve carried with us through this and past lifetimes, all of the “soul sludge,” as I like to call it, all of the poor patterns of behavior and habits, the people and places and things that no longer serve our highest calling, our greatest truth: that we are made of love.
Does it mean we are not human, too? We’re here on this earth to experience the physical plane, to have these experiences and make these connections and learn these lessons. But we’re also here to remember the truth of ourselves.
This journey rids us of our masks to bring us back to who we identify with as a soul, first and foremost. Rid the negative that keeps us buried but blossom in the light of what makes us feel most alive —those experiences and interests and connections and passions that throw the spark of love into your soul because that is the light of who we are, that is our direct connection to the divine, that is where we love. And when we love, we are our true and most authentic self.
Raise those vibes.
Does it mean we are not human, too? We’re here on this earth to experience the physical plane, to have these experiences and make these connections and learn these lessons. But we’re also here to remember the truth of ourselves.
This journey rids us of our masks to bring us back to who we identify with as a soul, first and foremost. Rid the negative that keeps us buried but blossom in the light of what makes us feel most alive —those experiences and interests and connections and passions that throw the spark of love into your soul because that is the light of who we are, that is our direct connection to the divine, that is where we love. And when we love, we are our true and most authentic self.
Raise those vibes.

Part of growth and transformation is being willing to identify and let go of the people, places, and things that are no longer in alignment with who you are on a soul level. This doesn’t mean cutting those things out of your life completely, but rather allowing them to settle into the background as you raise your vibrations and step more fully into who you are.
Who do you choose to be? What is still holding you back?
Listen to the soul of yourself. You have every answer within you.
Who do you choose to be? What is still holding you back?
Listen to the soul of yourself. You have every answer within you.

It only takes one thing to make a difference in the world.
Not money. Not a change in circumstances. Not piety or faith or righteousness, not a gladiator’s spirit or even warrior mode. Not a mission or a plan or a purpose because you’ve already come here with one mission, one plan, one purpose:
To be who you are.
You only need one thing to do that: the courage to show up exactly as you are.
This is how you change the world, dear ones. By showing up as yourselves—in all of your light and all of your love—and just being, letting the light of who you are ripple out into the universe.
Light doesn’t have a goal for which dark corners it intends to reach. It just shines its light and allows itself to be.
So be. Shine brightly. Love fully.
You make a difference in this world just by being in it.
Not money. Not a change in circumstances. Not piety or faith or righteousness, not a gladiator’s spirit or even warrior mode. Not a mission or a plan or a purpose because you’ve already come here with one mission, one plan, one purpose:
To be who you are.
You only need one thing to do that: the courage to show up exactly as you are.
This is how you change the world, dear ones. By showing up as yourselves—in all of your light and all of your love—and just being, letting the light of who you are ripple out into the universe.
Light doesn’t have a goal for which dark corners it intends to reach. It just shines its light and allows itself to be.
So be. Shine brightly. Love fully.
You make a difference in this world just by being in it.

The greatest lesson this life journey will ever teach us is how to love and be loved in return—for others and for ourselves. It will teach you who is there for you by the actions and effort they put forth, by the support and respect they provide, by the fact that they’re there without hesitation, without question, without want of anything. It will teach you how to be there for others—giving generously of yourself and your time but never to the point where you feel drained and depleted because those loved ones recognize there is balance in all things, and when you’re struggling and running on empty, they’ll intuitively know how to help you fill yourself back up.
You will learn that love is not selfish, though actions may be. You will learn that expressing love is one of the greatest gifts we could ever give to another, but that love is spoken in many different languages. You will learn that you are worthy of the love you keep trying to give to others, that true love exists for even you, and that believing in happily ever afters makes that happily ever after possible.
Life will teach you about every type of love you could ever imagine—friendships and romance, spiritual partnerships and familial connections. It will teach you that some people are meant to pass through your life for a reason or a season, and some are here for a lifetime. After some trial and error, life will help you figure out more easily which is which.
You will learn how to surrender to the heart. You will learn how to break down the walls guarding your heart. You will learn how to love with the whole of that heart even without reciprocation. You will learn that this is unconditional love.
Then you will learn how to move on, carrying that love with you but learning how to let the object of that love go. Because you will understand that love is not something to chase, but that which is freely offered. And you will learn that such love—the very love you extend to others—is meant for you, too, if you make room to let it in.
So love lightly, love freely, love without condition and expectation. Love yourself. Love another.
Just simply... Love.
You will learn that love is not selfish, though actions may be. You will learn that expressing love is one of the greatest gifts we could ever give to another, but that love is spoken in many different languages. You will learn that you are worthy of the love you keep trying to give to others, that true love exists for even you, and that believing in happily ever afters makes that happily ever after possible.
Life will teach you about every type of love you could ever imagine—friendships and romance, spiritual partnerships and familial connections. It will teach you that some people are meant to pass through your life for a reason or a season, and some are here for a lifetime. After some trial and error, life will help you figure out more easily which is which.
You will learn how to surrender to the heart. You will learn how to break down the walls guarding your heart. You will learn how to love with the whole of that heart even without reciprocation. You will learn that this is unconditional love.
Then you will learn how to move on, carrying that love with you but learning how to let the object of that love go. Because you will understand that love is not something to chase, but that which is freely offered. And you will learn that such love—the very love you extend to others—is meant for you, too, if you make room to let it in.
So love lightly, love freely, love without condition and expectation. Love yourself. Love another.
Just simply... Love.

It tickles me when those in the spiritual community say that we shouldn't be afraid of anything--or even going so far to say that they don't fear anything. We're human. Fear is a part of that experience. Show me just one person--those in the spiritual community included--who is not afraid of something, and I will show you the mask they're wearing, their own spiritual illusion they're under.
Fear is its own illusion, but that doesn't mean that we don't feel it from time to time. We TRANSCEND it. We TRANSMUTE it. We REMEMBER that fear is the antithesis of love and return to a state of love. That is how we overcome fear. But to say that you never fear, to say that you're never afraid, is spiritual ego at its finest.
What happens when you acknowledge your fear? You begin the beautiful first step past it.
The same goes for any other emotions. We move through our emotions in the way that serves us, the way in which we process the world (and don't let anyone say that your process is wrong). Some of us process analytically. Some of us process emotionally. Either way, we work our way through it, release, and let go.
THAT is healing. Not pretending and suppressing but by moving through and accepting. Awareness of the unified self as both spirit and human and not the separation of the two.
That is what being truly conscious is about.
Fear is its own illusion, but that doesn't mean that we don't feel it from time to time. We TRANSCEND it. We TRANSMUTE it. We REMEMBER that fear is the antithesis of love and return to a state of love. That is how we overcome fear. But to say that you never fear, to say that you're never afraid, is spiritual ego at its finest.
What happens when you acknowledge your fear? You begin the beautiful first step past it.
The same goes for any other emotions. We move through our emotions in the way that serves us, the way in which we process the world (and don't let anyone say that your process is wrong). Some of us process analytically. Some of us process emotionally. Either way, we work our way through it, release, and let go.
THAT is healing. Not pretending and suppressing but by moving through and accepting. Awareness of the unified self as both spirit and human and not the separation of the two.
That is what being truly conscious is about.

The power of expression...
Especially when it comes to healing, communicating what is bothering you, whether to yourself, another person, or even just writing the words down in a journal, allows the emotions that are tied there to move out of yourself, thus losing its power and impact and preventing it from festering inside of you.
There’s the saying, “the truth will set you free.” It’s not just acknowledging the truth but the actual act of speaking that truth that creates a lightness within yourself because you’re no longer holding it in. There is freedom in expression.
Try it. What have you been holding onto? Do you feel the power within yourself as you speak the words out loud? Can you taste the words as they leave your lips, the freedom that it grants you in liberating the attachment to those words and their experience? Can you feel the words lingering on the air, their hold over you dissolving by the second until they become nothing?
This is healing.
Especially when it comes to healing, communicating what is bothering you, whether to yourself, another person, or even just writing the words down in a journal, allows the emotions that are tied there to move out of yourself, thus losing its power and impact and preventing it from festering inside of you.
There’s the saying, “the truth will set you free.” It’s not just acknowledging the truth but the actual act of speaking that truth that creates a lightness within yourself because you’re no longer holding it in. There is freedom in expression.
Try it. What have you been holding onto? Do you feel the power within yourself as you speak the words out loud? Can you taste the words as they leave your lips, the freedom that it grants you in liberating the attachment to those words and their experience? Can you feel the words lingering on the air, their hold over you dissolving by the second until they become nothing?
This is healing.

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