Today marks a turning point for our country—one that will have ripple effects across the world, reshaping modern society as we know it.
We've been seeing oligarchy replace democracy, fascism replace the constitutional republic under which our country was founded.
But rather than lamenting that this is the end, rather than giving into despair, I want to challenge you to look through another lens.
Those who are supporters of him see a savior, a Jesus figure coming to usher in a New Golden Age. Even in the spiritual community, I've seen spiritual leaders sing his praise as they put all of their faith into the conspiracy theories they want to believe in.
Many of these conspiracy theories contain fragments of truth. They speak to a real desire for positive change in the world, a recognition that the old ways no longer serve us. But when these truths are manipulated to serve a hidden agenda, they become tools of division and control.
That’s why discernment is essential. It’s not just about what we hear, but how we feel when we hear it. That’s why it’s vital to connect with yourself—your heart, your soul—so you can discern truth within, rather than blindly accepting what’s handed to you.
I shared some personal shares and thoughts on that on my own YouTube channel, blog, and social media platforms for my own spiritual community, and I stand firm in it:
No matter which side of the aisle, no one is meant to be your savior.
YOU are the Christ-consciousness.
YOU are an empowered being, not helpless to anyone or anything.
When we come together as family, neighbors, and community in the energy of unity, we spark change that has ripple effects far beyond what we can see.
But it starts with you. With me. It starts with each of us.
It's not something outside of ourselves.
Light is shining on the shadows now. What was unconscious is now becoming conscious. This awakening—however uncomfortable—is necessary for our evolution. It’s calling forth your soul’s strength.
Please don't give into despair. Please don't lament that this is the end. Please look at this as the beginning of more people standing up, more people speaking out, more people choosing love.
Back in November, Yeshua/Jesus reminded me that his overturning the tables at the temple was an act of righteous anger and sacred justice to return us to alignment and the sanctity of his teachings. He reminded us that his teachings weren't about looking outside of ourselves, but within.
It's time to stop ignoring where the real work is. Our country--the world--is taking a good, hard look at itself now, and so must we.
Here's what you can do:
• Heal. This is the foundation of everything, and I say that having crawled through the darkness of my own healing myself. Healing isn't just personal, it's collective. When you face your own shadows, you contribute to the healing of everything and everyone around you. Acknowledge your pain, your fears, and your wounds. Transform them, so you don’t project them onto others. If you don't know where to start, reach out. I've got you.
• Discern. Seek truth--not the truth that's handed to you, but the one that resonates in your soul. Ask yourself: Does this information empower you or feed your fear? Does it unite or divide? Truth carries a frequency, and when we quiet the noise, we can feel it. The more you practice discernment, the more clearly you’ll recognize the difference between manipulation and wisdom.
• Connect. We're not meant to navigate life alone. As I've been channeling for months, keep your circle small, but be supportive of all. Find your community. Build relationships based on integrity, kindness, and shared purpose, but also be open to connection beyond the echo chambers. True unity doesn’t require us to agree on everything; it requires us to see the humanity in each other. The world shifts when we come together—not in uniformity, but in the recognition that we're all part of the same whole.
• Self-Care. Take care of yourself--mind, body, and spirit. Don't abandon yourself. Don’t neglect your needs. When you do, you only drain your energy and distance yourself from your own power. Find the balance of giving and receiving without stepping into either extreme. Most importantly, begin to view yourself through a lens of love and believe in who you are, not who the world (or others) told you to be. When we take care of ourselves, we show up more fully for the world. Self-care isn't selfish—it's a vital part of the revolution.
• Act. Consciousness isn't passive. It asks us to embody what we believe in. So speak up. Speak out. Stand firm in your values. Make choices that align with who you authentically are. Choose love not just in grand gestures, but in your everyday interactions—in how you speak to a stranger, in what you share online, in the way you respond to injustice. Small actions ripple outward in ways we can’t always see, but they matter.
• Hold the Vision. Back in 2020, in our Unity Channelings, we received the message: "Hold the light, be the light." Now more than ever, we're being called to embody it. Be the calm in the storm, and hold the vision for peace. The future isn't written in stone--we're creating in every moment. This is where our power as a collective is. This isn’t about blind optimism or spiritual bypassing. It’s about seeing beyond the chaos to all that's possible.
What we're seeing is the old crumbling. What we build next is going to depend on how we join in unity...
and how we show up together.
This isn't the end--it's a reckoning. It's a call to rise.
It's one we must answer.
How we meet this moment will define what comes next.
This is the ripple effect.
This is the humanity I believe in.
Don't miss my 2025 Year Ahead Channeling & Reading!