Sacred Union Mentoring
“And so, when a person meets the half that is his very own...then something wonderful happens: the two are struck from their senses by love, by a sense of belonging to one another, and by desire, and they don't want to be separated from one another, not even for a moment.”
- Plato, The Symposium
One Hour Session - $85
Read an important note and disclaimer on my take on spiritual connections:
Soul Connections
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Mary and Jesus. Isis and Osiris. Shakti and Shiva...
Sacred partners, also commonly referred to as Twin Flames/Twin Souls or Soulmates, are conscious connections that propel us on our spiritual path towards healing, self-love, and unity consciousness. While soulmates are our perfect matches in terms of compatibility in which the relationship develops with relative ease and familiarity, Twin Flames are our perfect mirrors--a sacred part of ourselves who help us remember what it means to experience and embody true, unconditional love on a journey of soul growth and expansion.
Here at Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections, we use the term Twin Flame/sacred partners interchangeably with the preferred label of divine counterparts. While we focus on sacred partnerships, specifically, these teachings can apply to all conscious relationships for healthier connection to yourself, your partner, or the world around you.
“Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.”
-Plato, The Symposium
The epitome of unconditional love, sacred partnerships can be challenging because they serve first and foremost the purpose of being each other's ascension partner--helping each other to heal, grow, and expand along the ascension journey through deeper levels of spiritual awakening. Through this growth, they collectively help shift the planet to a new template of love, connection, and relationship. This mission is, at its core, a shift into love and unity consciousness. When divine counterparts come into true and balanced harmony of their masculine and feminine energies (sacred union) both within themselves and in their connection, their mission is accelerated, with divine love rippling outward towards all of life. Thus, these connections are truly sacred.
As part of this ascension process, divine counterparts often trigger each other in order to release lifetimes' worth of karma and subconscious fears and blocks. This triggering, while it can be deeply painful, isn't without purpose--the healing and mindshifts that occur raise the vibrations and helps the soul ascend to a higher state of love, replacing separation consciousness with unity consciousness as we remember our own divinity.
“Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete.”
- Plato, The Symposium
To learn more about sacred partnerships, check out our blog and social media platforms, where we frequently share more about the sacred union journey. Significant and powerful channeled messages for Divine Partnerships/Twin Flames and sacred union are also available on our Channeled Readings page.
Are you experiencing a Twin Flame or high-vibrational Soulmate connection? Has this relationship been the catalyst for your spiritual awakening or launched you on your journey through Ascension? Our Conscious Connections / Sacred Union mentoring sessions are specifically designed to help you empower yourself, shift beliefs, and return to love as you embody sacred union within yourself and embrace a healthy and harmonized union with a counterpart.
Sacred Union Mentoring sessions are available via Skype or Zoom.
Please be sure to watch our free offerings on our YouTube and social media platforms to see if our style resonates with you, or join our membership!
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