PAWS Fundraiser

Advocacy and philanthropy have always been an intrinsic part of our personal life, and here at
Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections we strive to nurture the essence of community by being of service with many free resources for the spiritual path; however, as our own platform has grown, we're excited to provide assistance where needed in new and expanded ways.
As big animal lovers ourselves, it is our absolute honor to be part of a fundraiser for PAWS of PA, a 501(c)3 no-kill animal rescue dedicated to saving the lives of companion animals through adoption and foster programs and educational efforts. Founded in 1979, PAWS (Preservation of Animal Welfare & Safety) offers resources and programs to combat animal homelessness in south-central Pennsylvania. With a primary focus on cats and kittens, PAWS works with local municipalities using their TNR (trap, neuter, and return) program to stop the growth of feral cat colonies and end over-population. Since January alone, 77 cats and kittens were adopted, with 200 going through the TNR program.
Reading Special
Readings are offered at a special rate as part of our own contribution towards PAWS with a portion of the proceeds for each reading being donated to PAWS as part of a fundraising campaign.
Donations are already included in the price of the service.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our April Fundraiser Reading Special!
Your contribution helped us raise $400 for PAWS of PA!
Thank you for helping us help animals in need.
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
Highlighted charitable organizations have been vetted by GuideStar and are listed as 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Selected organizations for our Community Connections page are typically smaller organizations that may assist persons or animals in need. Information provided is for awareness purposes only. Susan and Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections have no professional affiliation with this featured organization and does not and will not accept donations on their behalf outside of this participatory fundraiser for which we are providing services at a special rate as our contribution to this fundraiser. A donation of $20 to PAWS has been included in the price of the service and will be distrubuted to a member of PAWS upon confirmation of the booking. Please visit PAWS of PA.org to learn more.